My Pastor’s Privates

Every morning, I roll over in bed, look at the clock, have no clue what the day is. It’s not because I’ve had such a fantastic night of rest. It’s not because I have the most heavenly bed with 1,000,000 thread count sheets. It’s not because my children go to bed early and sleep through the night, undisturbed. It’s because I’ve spent a majority of the night running marathons or being chased by a bear. I’ve been working or going through chemo. I am a crazy dreamer, and it’s exhausting.

My entire life, I’ve had vivid dreams. And by “vivid”, I don’t mean full of color and majestic landscapes. They’re full of detail. Scary, weird, awkward-to-explain details. And while most people don’t like to hear about other people’s dreams (I’m one of those people), I can’t help but come in to work each day and unload that crazy on my co-workers. They’ve encouraged me to start keeping a dream journal again. I can’t be sure, but I’m pretty positive it’s because they think I need to have those dreams and my head examined. They think I’m completely crazy. Who dreams that kind of weird shit? I do.

So from time to time, I’m going to record some of the weird dreams I have on this blog. I’ve got to get this down somewhere, because when I donate my body to science they’re going to discover some untapped area of the brain that I was able to tap into each night. They’re going to want to know what it was like when I was alive. They’re going to need this blog. For the future of mankind.

Below are some snippets and details of dreams I’ve had recently.
– Taking moldy cheese from the refrigerator in my boss’ butler’s pantry and feeding it to a bear that was trying to kill me and others.
– Seeing my preacher and another man baptize a baby boy — all of them fully nude. And by fully nude, I mean that my preacher’s private parts were in my dream. Front and center.
– Covering for my boss while she was in recovery from surgery for a while. I had to step in on her behalf and be an OB/GYN.
– My boss leaving instructions for me and a co-worker — painted with shoe polish on the windows of cars we passed in traffic on the way to work.
– A co-worker and I walking through hills in an Austin suburb and looking at the carcasses of giraffes and rhinos.
– Buying bottles of opened, used hand lotion from a street vendor outside my aunt’s house, which was also in Austin.
– Running a marathon through the streets of New Orleans with my husband, and winning.
– Running a marathon through a forest with my husband, and winning.
– Sharing an apartment with a co-worker, his wife and an ex-boyfriend.
– Going back to college and having to swim into church on Sundays.

These don’t even touch the level of detail that’s within each of those snippets.
Perhaps I need to start taking sleeping pills? I wake up completely exhausted and am typically getting about 10 hours of sleep per night. It’s wearing me out!

I must find a way to shut the mind down at night.

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