Day 3 – I’m not Dying

Today is Day 3 of the Clean Eating program that Todd and I have started. I should mention that my friend Amy is doing this with us, which helps in big ways since we work together and can commiserate, complain and encourage each other all day during the work day. This all really started with Amy. She’s been planting the seeds for this for quite some time, actually. All glory goes to Amy, then, if this works. And Jesus.

On Monday, I was a little temperamental. Might’ve not been as kind to my family as I should have been… On Tuesday, I could have killed someone for sugar in any form. And the latte with granola bar that I miss and mourn each morning are still a big, black hole in my life. However, today, I am feeling better. I’m obsessing a little less over the things I’m going without. And, I am down 3 pounds, which is a bonus. But at night, I dream about bread. Last night I dreamed that Andy was eating two rolls and I took one bite of each of them. The night prior, someone at my office was enjoying (again) some damn rolls, and I took just a bite out of two of them. Bread dreams.

I have eaten more vegetables in the past three days than I typically eat in a week. Salads chock full of bell peppers, mushrooms and avocado… Broiled cauliflower, steamed green beans, baked cabbage “steaks”, some delicious egg “muffins” I made with eggs, quinoa, bell peppers and mushrooms. And, of course, some chicken and turkey. A vegetable broth (good Lord, who am I?) Week two should look a little different, as we’ve found some recipes that we want to try to mix things up a little bit. Todd can (and loves to) eat a salad every day for lunch – that starts to get old to me after a couple of days. Unless it’s full of croutons, bacon bits, and really fatty dressing. 🙂 Meh.

I certainly know this isn’t something that I can sustain for the rest of my life, but I do think that it will make me cognizant of everything that I put in my mouth… Or at least make me aware of how I typically overdose on sugar and wheat and such, every day.

Another epiphany? We eat out entirely too much. Like many families with busy schedules and small children, it becomes a crutch for us. Don’t even get me started on how I use food as a reward – for myself, my kids. “I deserve this #@%& cookie!” I say that a lot, apparently.

Day three is good. Carry on.

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