Well, hello there.

I suddenly feel like I’m standing on a stage, alone, and with a very hot and bright spotlight shining down on me. There’s a microphone in front of me and every time I tap it, it makes that awful screeching noise that hurts everyone’s hears. And there’s a lot of everyones out there – just waiting, on the edge of their seats, to hear what I have to say. Perhaps there are television cameras and people with other sorts of recording devices. I’m paralyzed. I haven’t prepared anything! I’m not even sure why they asked me here! Where am I? I don’t know nothin’ bout birthin’ no babies!!!

Okay, so I can be a little dramatic. I guess it’s clear, now, where Natalie Ann gets it.

Welcome to my blog. This is the inaugural post of my fifth blog. Hope it ends up being worthwhile. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone. I hope it makes me a million dollars. Because, you know, what I have to say is very important.

Read on.

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